Professor Jonathan Clayden – Meet the Lecturer
Thursday 18 February 2021
7:00 pm
Online event
Professor Jonathan Clayden – Meet the Lecturer
Next up in our Meet the Lecturer series is Professor Jonathan Clayden, a world-renowned organic chemist thanks to his biblical organic textbook! We know you won't want to miss this interview...
To JOIN the event, click "Get involved"!
Jonathan co-authored "Organic Chemistry", the world-leading textbook used by thousands of students around the world. He joined Bristol only a few years ago from the University of Manchester.
His research group work on the construction of molecules with defined shapes, and are particular interested in exploring and exploiting molecular conformation.
Click the "Get involved" button to register your interest and/or submit a question now! Or head to our Instagram (@fusionchemsoc) on Wednesday for a chance to send in your questions via our story - otherwise you'll be able to ask questions live during the Zoom webinar.
Save the date - you don't want to miss this. (If you're a second year, thinking about research projects, maybe Jonathan might interest you?!)
Alcohol may be consumed by the presenters but there is limited audience participation at this event.
This event is accessible to all.