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Professor Emma Raven – Meet the Lecturer

Thursday 11 February 2021

7:00 pm

Online event

Professor Emma Raven – Meet the Lecturer

We loved our first interview with Craig, and second in our series is Professor Emma Raven, Head of the School of Chemistry! This is another fantastic opportunity to ask a lecturer your questions and get to know them better!

To JOIN the event, click "Get involved"!

Professor Emma Raven holds a senior position in the department, and we're looking forward to find out what that means!

Emma joined the department in 2018 from the University of Leicester. "My role is the Head of the School of Chemistry, and my research interests are in the roles of metal ions (especially iron) in biology. I am looking forward to talking to students about both of these roles – how I got there, and what it is like – when we meet."

Click the "Get involved" button to register your interest and/or submit a question now! Or head to our Instagram (@fusionchemsoc) on Wednesday for a chance to send in your questions via our story - otherwise you'll be able to ask questions live during the Zoom webinar.

Save the date - you don't want to miss this. (If you're a second year, thinking about research projects, maybe Emma might interest you?!)

Alcohol may be consumed by the presenters but there is limited audience participation at this event.

This event is accessible to all.

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